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查询Tags标签: GetVal,共有 3条记录
  • 闭包测试

    (function() {// -- 基础数据类型{function func (val = 0) {return {decrease() {val--},increase() {val++},getVal() {return val}}}const props = 0const instance1 = func(props)const instance2 = func(props)console.log(instance1.getVal()) // 0console.log(inst…

    2022/9/2 23:23:07 人评论 次浏览
  • TCAX 时间计算及文字定位(英文+谷歌机翻中文)

    Introduction To a subtitle effect, the positioning and timing are the most two fundamental yet important aspects. The basic function of TCAX is to provide the required information for the user to deal with these two problems. Time Calculation The basi…

    2021/7/26 23:06:50 人评论 次浏览
  • TCAX 时间计算及文字定位(英文+谷歌机翻中文)

    Introduction To a subtitle effect, the positioning and timing are the most two fundamental yet important aspects. The basic function of TCAX is to provide the required information for the user to deal with these two problems. Time Calculation The basi…

    2021/7/26 23:06:50 人评论 次浏览