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查询Tags标签: MSIL,共有 4条记录
  • .NET静态代码织入——肉夹馍(Rougamo)发布2.2

    肉夹馍(通过静态代码织入方式实现AOP的组件,其主要特点是在编译时完成AOP代码织入,相比动态代理可以减少应用启动的初始化时间让服务更快可用,同时还能对静态方法进行AOP操作。 上一篇文章至此共发布两个版本,本篇文章…

    2024/1/22 11:02:26 人评论 次浏览
  • 转载 CoreCLR源码探索(七) JIT的工作原理(入门篇)

    转载自: 很多C#的初学者都会有这么一个疑问, .Net程序代码是如何被机器加载执行的? 最简单的解答是, C#会通过编译器(CodeDom, Roslyn)编译成IL代码, 然后CLR(.Net Framework, .Net Core, Mono)会把这些IL代码编译成目标机…

    2022/2/6 11:12:31 人评论 次浏览
  • .NET Core - Code Execution

    In this chapter, we will understand the execution process of .NET Core and compare it with the .NET Framework. The managed execution process includes the following steps.Choosing a compiler Compiling your code to MSIL Compiling MSIL to native code Run…

    2021/8/6 23:08:20 人评论 次浏览
  • .NET Core - Code Execution

    In this chapter, we will understand the execution process of .NET Core and compare it with the .NET Framework. The managed execution process includes the following steps.Choosing a compiler Compiling your code to MSIL Compiling MSIL to native code Run…

    2021/8/6 23:08:20 人评论 次浏览