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查询Tags标签: history,共有 202条记录
  • A Child's History of England.215

    The Merry Monarch was so exceedingly merry among these merry ladies, and some equally merry (and equally infamous) lords and gentlemen, that he soon got through [用完] his hundred thousand pounds, and then, by way of raising [筹集] a little pocket-mon…

    2022/1/23 23:04:42 人评论 次浏览
  • A Child's History of England.183

    Like most dishonest men, the Prince and the favourite complained that the people whom they had deluded [欺骗] were dishonest. They made such misrepresentations of the treachery of the Spaniards in this business of the Spanish match [姻缘], that the En…

    2022/1/20 23:22:17 人评论 次浏览
  • A Child's History of England.183

    Like most dishonest men, the Prince and the favourite complained that the people whom they had deluded [欺骗] were dishonest. They made such misrepresentations of the treachery of the Spaniards in this business of the Spanish match [姻缘], that the En…

    2022/1/20 23:22:17 人评论 次浏览
  • BOM属性navigator与history与location

    <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head><meta charset="UTF-8"><title>Title</title><script type="text/javascript">console.log(navigator.appName);//淘汰掉的浏览器信息监测console.log(…

    2022/1/19 23:25:27 人评论 次浏览
  • BOM属性navigator与history与location

    <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head><meta charset="UTF-8"><title>Title</title><script type="text/javascript">console.log(navigator.appName);//淘汰掉的浏览器信息监测console.log(…

    2022/1/19 23:25:27 人评论 次浏览
  • linux history格式设置

    在/etc/profile中加入以下脚本 #history USER_IP=`who -u am i 2>/dev/null| awk {print $NF}|sed -e s/[()]//g` HISTDIR=/usr/share/.history if [ -z $USER_IP ] then USER_IP=`hostname` fi if [ ! -d $HISTDIR ] then mkdir -p $HISTDIR chmod 777 $HISTDIR fi if…

    2022/1/17 7:04:16 人评论 次浏览
  • linux history格式设置

    在/etc/profile中加入以下脚本 #history USER_IP=`who -u am i 2>/dev/null| awk {print $NF}|sed -e s/[()]//g` HISTDIR=/usr/share/.history if [ -z $USER_IP ] then USER_IP=`hostname` fi if [ ! -d $HISTDIR ] then mkdir -p $HISTDIR chmod 777 $HISTDIR fi if…

    2022/1/17 7:04:16 人评论 次浏览
  • A Child's History of England.144

    These things were not done without causing great discontent among the people. The monks had been good landlords and hospitable entertainers of all travellers, and had been accustomed to give away a great deal of corn, and fruit, and meat, and other th…

    2022/1/16 6:06:49 人评论 次浏览
  • A Child's History of England.144

    These things were not done without causing great discontent among the people. The monks had been good landlords and hospitable entertainers of all travellers, and had been accustomed to give away a great deal of corn, and fruit, and meat, and other th…

    2022/1/16 6:06:49 人评论 次浏览
  • 省时省力,这大概是用Python写GUIzui快的方式了?

    在之前的文章 中,有给大家介绍了一款 python 的 GUI 神器 —— PySimpleGUI,并且给大家演示了一些基本的用法。好多读者的反馈说这个确实比较简单,除了界面稍微有点“原始”,没毛病。 其实像 PySimpleGUI 这类 GUI 界面,跟 Web 页面是不具备可比性的,后者想做得美观…

    2022/1/13 20:09:03 人评论 次浏览
  • 省时省力,这大概是用Python写GUIzui快的方式了?

    在之前的文章 中,有给大家介绍了一款 python 的 GUI 神器 —— PySimpleGUI,并且给大家演示了一些基本的用法。好多读者的反馈说这个确实比较简单,除了界面稍微有点“原始”,没毛病。 其实像 PySimpleGUI 这类 GUI 界面,跟 Web 页面是不具备可比性的,后者想做得美观…

    2022/1/13 20:09:03 人评论 次浏览
  • react学习---编程式路由导航

    借助this.prosp.history对象上的API对操作路由跳转、前进、后退-this.prosp.history.push()-this.prosp.history.replace()-this.prosp.history.goBack()-this.prosp.history.goForward()-this.prosp.history.go()import React, { Component } from react import {Link,Ro…

    2022/1/12 9:03:33 人评论 次浏览
  • react学习---编程式路由导航

    借助this.prosp.history对象上的API对操作路由跳转、前进、后退-this.prosp.history.push()-this.prosp.history.replace()-this.prosp.history.goBack()-this.prosp.history.goForward()-this.prosp.history.go()import React, { Component } from react import {Link,Ro…

    2022/1/12 9:03:33 人评论 次浏览
  • A Child's History of England.117

    Some of the best men in power, seeing the danger of these constant changes, tried even then to prevent the Red and the White Rose Wars. They brought about a great council in London between the two parties. The White Roses assembled in Blackfriars, the…

    2022/1/10 23:07:47 人评论 次浏览
  • A Child's History of England.117

    Some of the best men in power, seeing the danger of these constant changes, tried even then to prevent the Red and the White Rose Wars. They brought about a great council in London between the two parties. The White Roses assembled in Blackfriars, the…

    2022/1/10 23:07:47 人评论 次浏览