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查询Tags标签: throughput,共有 2条记录
  • 计算机网络性能指标之吞吐量(throughput)

    计算机网络性能指标速率(或数据率,即 bps)指的是你网络单位时间内最大能传输的数据量,往往受很多外界因素的影响(时延、信道的干扰),实际上并没有速率标识的那么大。所以,速率也只是一个额定速率(或标称速率)。 对实际的速率有专门的名词:吞吐量(throughput)…

    2022/9/7 6:23:28 人评论 次浏览
  • Benchmarking Apache Kafka, Apache Pulsar, and RabbitMQ: Which is the Fastest?

    Apache Kafka is one of the most popular event streaming systems. There are many ways to compare systems in this space, but one thing everyone cares about is performance. Kafka has been known to be fast, but how fast is it today, and how does it stack …

    2021/5/15 10:29:20 人评论 次浏览