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查询Tags标签: webcam,共有 3条记录
  • ubuntu 中将DSLR相机用作网络摄像头

    一、安装所需软件 sudo apt-get install gphoto2 v4l2loopback-utils v4l2loopback-dkms ffmpeg二、Video4Liunx 配置1.安装完所需的软件后,通过usb将相机链接到pc,相机应设置电脑控制开状态 终端输入以下命令sudo modprobe v4l2loopback exclusive_caps=1 max_buffers=…

    2022/6/24 5:22:32 人评论 次浏览
  • Use high resolution webcam Logitech C930c on Linux

    During the period of covid-19 pandemic, remote communiation with family, working and having conferences with colleagues become more frequent than before. Although I have already had an iPad, it is only suitable for light-weight tasks and talks. When i…

    2021/11/26 7:12:10 人评论 次浏览
  • Use high resolution webcam Logitech C930c on Linux

    During the period of covid-19 pandemic, remote communiation with family, working and having conferences with colleagues become more frequent than before. Although I have already had an iPad, it is only suitable for light-weight tasks and talks. When i…

    2021/11/26 7:12:10 人评论 次浏览