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查询Tags标签: wslconfig,共有 4条记录
  • 【win10】卸载win10的子系统下的ubuntu

    1、开始菜单卸载 2、wslconfig命令行卸载C:\Users\Administrator>wslconfig /? 在 Windows Subsystem for Linux 上执行管理操作用法:/l, /list [选项]列出已注册分发。/all - 可选择列出所有分发,包括当前正在安装或卸载的分发。/running - 仅列出当前正在运行的分发…

    2022/6/28 5:20:07 人评论 次浏览
  • win10注销linux 子系统 wsl

    1、win + rwslconfig /l 2、执行如下命令wslconfig /u Ubuntu 3、检查wslconfig /l

    2022/4/28 7:14:33 人评论 次浏览
  • 从windows 10中删除Windwos subsystem of Linux

    If your OS has been upgraded to the Fall Creators Update, you should be able to issue the command wslconfig. You could of course try uninstalling first by using the command lxrun /uninstall /full. If its still there, you can try unregistering the dist…

    2021/10/3 7:11:44 人评论 次浏览
  • 从windows 10中删除Windwos subsystem of Linux

    If your OS has been upgraded to the Fall Creators Update, you should be able to issue the command wslconfig. You could of course try uninstalling first by using the command lxrun /uninstall /full. If its still there, you can try unregistering the dist…

    2021/10/3 7:11:44 人评论 次浏览