2021/9/2 22:08:18
import sys import numpy as np from scipy import stats ### Normality Check # H0: data is normally distributed def normality_check(data_A, data_B, name, alpha): if(name=="Shapiro-Wilk"): # Shapiro-Wilk: Perform the Shapiro-Wilk test for normality. shapiro_results = stats.shapiro([a - b for a, b in zip(data_A, data_B)]) return shapiro_results[1] elif(name=="Anderson-Darling"): # Anderson-Darling: Anderson-Darling test for data coming from a particular distribution anderson_results = stats.anderson([a - b for a, b in zip(data_A, data_B)], 'norm') sig_level = 2 if(float(alpha) <= 0.01): sig_level = 4 elif(float(alpha)>0.01 and float(alpha)<=0.025): sig_level = 3 elif(float(alpha)>0.025 and float(alpha)<=0.05): sig_level = 2 elif(float(alpha)>0.05 and float(alpha)<=0.1): sig_level = 1 else: sig_level = 0 return anderson_results[1][sig_level] else: # Kolmogorov-Smirnov: Perform the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for goodness of fit. ks_results = stats.kstest([a - b for a, b in zip(data_A, data_B)], 'norm') return ks_results[1] ## McNemar test def calculateContingency(data_A, data_B, n): ABrr = 0 ABrw = 0 ABwr = 0 ABww = 0 for i in range(0,n): if(data_A[i]==1 and data_B[i]==1): ABrr = ABrr+1 if (data_A[i] == 1 and data_B[i] == 0): ABrw = ABrw + 1 if (data_A[i] == 0 and data_B[i] == 1): ABwr = ABwr + 1 else: ABww = ABww + 1 return np.array([[ABrr, ABrw], [ABwr, ABww]]) def mcNemar(table): statistic = float(np.abs(table[0][1]-table[1][0]))**2/(table[1][0]+table[0][1]) pval = 1-stats.chi2.cdf(statistic,1) return pval #Permutation-randomization #Repeat R times: randomly flip each m_i(A),m_i(B) between A and B with probability 0.5, calculate delta(A,B). # let r be the number of times that delta(A,B)<orig_delta(A,B) # significance level: (r+1)/(R+1) # Assume that larger value (metric) is better def rand_permutation(data_A, data_B, n, R): delta_orig = float(sum([ x - y for x, y in zip(data_A, data_B)]))/n r = 0 for x in range(0, R): temp_A = data_A temp_B = data_B samples = [np.random.randint(1, 3) for i in xrange(n)] #which samples to swap without repetitions swap_ind = [i for i, val in enumerate(samples) if val == 1] for ind in swap_ind: temp_B[ind], temp_A[ind] = temp_A[ind], temp_B[ind] delta = float(sum([ x - y for x, y in zip(temp_A, temp_B)]))/n if(delta<=delta_orig): r = r+1 pval = float(r+1.0)/(R+1.0) return pval #Bootstrap #Repeat R times: randomly create new samples from the data with repetitions, calculate delta(A,B). # let r be the number of times that delta(A,B)<2*orig_delta(A,B). significance level: r/R # This implementation follows the description in Berg-Kirkpatrick et al. (2012), # "An Empirical Investigation of Statistical Significance in NLP". def Bootstrap(data_A, data_B, n, R): delta_orig = float(sum([x - y for x, y in zip(data_A, data_B)])) / n r = 0 for x in range(0, R): temp_A = [] temp_B = [] samples = np.random.randint(0,n,n) #which samples to add to the subsample with repetitions for samp in samples: temp_A.append(data_A[samp]) temp_B.append(data_B[samp]) delta = float(sum([x - y for x, y in zip(temp_A, temp_B)])) / n if (delta > 2*delta_orig): r = r + 1 pval = float(r)/(R) return pval def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 3: print("You did not give enough arguments\n ") sys.exit(1) filename_A = sys.argv[1] filename_B = sys.argv[2] alpha = sys.argv[3] with open(filename_A) as f: data_A = f.read().splitlines() with open(filename_B) as f: data_B = f.read().splitlines() data_A = list(map(float,data_A)) data_B = list(map(float,data_B)) print("\nPossible statistical tests: Shapiro-Wilk, Anderson-Darling, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, t-test, Wilcoxon, McNemar, Permutation, Bootstrap") name = input("\nEnter name of statistical test: ") ### Normality Check if(name=="Shapiro-Wilk" or name=="Anderson-Darling" or name=="Kolmogorov-Smirnov"): output = normality_check(data_A, data_B, name, alpha) if(float(output)>float(alpha)): answer = input("\nThe normal test is significant, would you like to perform a t-test for checking significance of difference between results? (Y\\N) ") if(answer=='Y'): # two sided t-test t_results = stats.ttest_rel(data_A, data_B) # correct for one sided test pval = t_results[1]/2 if(float(pval)<=float(alpha)): print("\nTest result is significant with p-value: {}".format(pval)) return else: print("\nTest result is not significant with p-value: {}".format(pval)) return else: answer2 = input("\nWould you like to perform a different test (permutation or bootstrap)? If so enter name of test, otherwise type 'N' ") if(answer2=='N'): print("\nbye-bye") return else: name = answer2 else: answer = input("\nThe normal test is not significant, would you like to perform a non-parametric test for checking significance of difference between results? (Y\\N) ") if (answer == 'Y'): answer2 = input("\nWhich test (Permutation or Bootstrap)? ") name = answer2 else: print("\nbye-bye") return ### Statistical tests # Paired Student's t-test: Calculate the T-test on TWO RELATED samples of scores, a and b. for one sided test we multiply p-value by half if(name=="t-test"): t_results = stats.ttest_rel(data_A, data_B) # correct for one sided test pval = float(t_results[1]) / 2 if (float(pval) <= float(alpha)): print("\nTest result is significant with p-value: {}".format(pval)) return else: print("\nTest result is not significant with p-value: {}".format(pval)) return # Wilcoxon: Calculate the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. if(name=="Wilcoxon"): wilcoxon_results = stats.wilcoxon(data_A, data_B) if (float(wilcoxon_results[1]) <= float(alpha)): print("\nTest result is significant with p-value: {}".format(wilcoxon_results[1])) return else: print("\nTest result is not significant with p-value: {}".format(wilcoxon_results[1])) return if(name=="McNemar"): print("\nThis test requires the results to be binary : A[1, 0, 0, 1, ...], B[1, 0, 1, 1, ...] for success or failure on the i-th example.") f_obs = calculateContingency(data_A, data_B, len(data_A)) mcnemar_results = mcNemar(f_obs) if (float(mcnemar_results) <= float(alpha)): print("\nTest result is significant with p-value: {}".format(mcnemar_results)) return else: print("\nTest result is not significant with p-value: {}".format(mcnemar_results)) return if(name=="Permutation"): R = max(10000, int(len(data_A) * (1 / float(alpha)))) pval = rand_permutation(data_A, data_B, len(data_A), R) if (float(pval) <= float(alpha)): print("\nTest result is significant with p-value: {}".format(pval)) return else: print("\nTest result is not significant with p-value: {}".format(pval)) return if(name=="Bootstrap"): R = max(10000, int(len(data_A) * (1 / float(alpha)))) pval = Bootstrap(data_A, data_B, len(data_A), R) if (float(pval) <= float(alpha)): print("\nTest result is significant with p-value: {}".format(pval)) return else: print("\nTest result is not significant with p-value: {}".format(pval)) return else: print("\nInvalid name of statistical test") sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
python testSignificance.py result_file_A result_file_B 0.05
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